5 Reasons to Hire a Freelance Social Media Copywriter

Every brand wants more followers, likes, and subscribers. While social media campaigns have proven their value for reaching both brand advocates and potential new customers, success doesn’t come easily. Brands need to provide a continuous stream of relevant, thoughtful, fresh social media posts to dish out to these eager consumers. And that’s where things can get complicated.

While there are many ways to repurpose existing content, brands need to invest in the development of new social media posts constantly – a time-consuming process that can overwhelm internal resources quickly.

Between digital product marketing launches, contests, seasonal promotions, and other events, it’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of last-minute work to get your posts ready in time. That kind of pressure can lead to typos, grammatical errors, or worse. It also can cause you to lose momentum by delaying posts until the last minute.

A professional copywriter can help you take a more strategic approach to social media content creation so that you can deliver the high-quality messages that are essential for success. From developing an editorial calendar for your social media posts to creating compelling copy about your products and services, a freelance copywriter offers many benefits.

Consider these five ways a freelance copywriter can help elevate your social media campaigns:

#1 Reduce Stress on Internal Resources

Using internal resources to create social content takes these workers away from their core responsibilities. A rushed post with errors can result in a retraction or PR problem if an employee posts something controversial.

You can benefit from fresh ideas and fewer headaches by outsourcing this work to a freelance copywriter as an ongoing assignment.

Tip: Hire a freelance social media copywriter to work as an extension of your internal team.

#2 Provide a Steady Stream of Tailored Content

A freelance copywriter can dedicate the time and resources needed to create custom content to fuel your social media campaigns. From white papers to case studies, they can devote their time and expertise to developing fresh content, a task that could take weeks to do with internal resources alone.

Tip: Hire a freelance copywriter to take on an entire outreach campaign so they can be more strategic in the content they create for you.

#3 Ensure Integrated Outreach

While most people think of social media as a real-time engagement tool, it still must conform to your basic brand standards. It should also be part of an integrated marketing strategy designed to nurture engagement.

A freelance copywriter can handle a wide range of content needs – from social media posts to blog posts to email campaigns, marketing materials, direct mail letters, and beyond. They can ensure that your social media posts align with your brand voice and messaging and craft a coordinated campaign of content to deploy across all your digital channels.

Tip: Add your freelance copywriter to your editorial calendar so they can set aside the time you need for content creation.

#4 Deploy High-Quality Content 

The best social media campaigns involve creating helpful content that attracts attention and leads to sales. However, if something isn’t interesting to or informative for your followers, they’ll quickly lose interest and stop following you.

A good freelance copywriter will help you find the right combination of information, graphics, and other social media assets that will attract an audience.

Tip: Include your freelance copywriter in strategy discussions so they can add value by leveraging different types of content.

#5 Create Timely Posts for Your Brand

One of the challenges of maintaining a blog is keeping it updated with fresh, new content while posting to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. If you have time-sensitive news or announcements, this is especially important.

By working with a freelance copywriter on a contract basis, you can have them create posts in advance so your social media channels never go dark.

Tip: Hire a freelance copywriter to create a month’s worth of evergreen social media posts that you can deploy in a strategic cadence.

Want to learn more? Contact Scribe Content & Copywriting to see how our freelance social media copywriting services can work for you.